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Mining Equipment Wanted

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Want Ad Details
April 4, 2012
CAT 785B & C Trucks Wanted!
H-E Parts Dom-Ex is very interested in the purchase of at least eight CAT 785B or C haul trucks. We are mostly interested in purchasing the 785C models, but will consider late model 785B’s with no more than 40,000 hours.

Machine Serial Number prefix ranges are 6HK for Model 785B and 1HW, 5A7 & APX for Models 785C.

If you have these models in your fleet of equipment and would consider selling, please contact me or one of my associates. We look forward to speaking with you!

Dana Ellefson
Vice President & General Manager of Parts and Components
Mobile Phone #: 1-(218)-966-3518
Direct Dial Office Phone #: 1-(218)-312-1256

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